Physical Therapy Farmington Hills, MI

APEX Physical Therapy in Farmington Hills, MI

Are you experiencing pain or injury that makes it difficult to move freely and carry out your everyday tasks? You should consider APEX Physical Therapy in Farmington Hills, MI as a treatment option! Our physical therapy clinic in Farmington Hills, MI is located in Suite C of 23955 Freeway Park Drive, close to Grand River and Ten Mile Road in The Athlete Lab, across the street from Suburban Ice Farmington Hills. Our team of experienced physical therapists uses cutting-edge methods as well as time-tested treatments to restore function and achieve the best results. APEX Physical Therapy is committed to providing treatments that are tailored to your individual needs. The effectiveness of our therapy services has been proven!


Our goal at APEX Physical Therapy is to regularly deliver life-changing results to anyone in Farmington Hills, MI who requires assistance with pain management or injury recovery. Our comprehensive assessments result in long-term pain relief, function restoration, improved performance, and injury prevention. We are passionate about helping you achieve your health goals and recover from your injury or illness.

In our Farmington Hills, MI physical therapy clinic, we provide the most advanced, proven techniques and treatments to ensure the best results possible. Keeping up with the latest research-backed treatments is our top priority, and we strive to learn new pain-relieving techniques and strategies every day to achieve the best results possible. You’ll enjoy your visits to our clinic with our friendly team environment, and some might even say it’s fun!

Are you interested in living a healthier life with help from APEX Physical Therapy?


Physical therapy provides a wide range of health benefits, such as restoring movement, improving coordination and balance, and decreasing pain. The physical therapists at APEX Physical Therapy in Farmington Hills, MI are experts in the body and its ability to heal. They are trained to work with individuals of all ages and levels of physical ability to create personalized programs to help them reach their goals. Physical therapy can help you recover quickly from injuries, surgeries, or conditions that can cause pain or mobility issues. It can also help you improve your overall physical fitness, strength, and flexibility. Physical therapy is a holistic approach to health and wellness and can help you achieve an improved quality of life.

Are you looking for a guide to help you identify more effective steps you can take to resolve your aches and pains, regain function after an injury or surgery, and improve your overall health? If you’re searching for physical therapy in Farmington Hills, MI or the surrounding areas, look no further! We’d love to meet with you and work together to develop a treatment plan for pain relief, healing, and improved health and well-being!

We are committed to helping you achieve your goals so that you can return to living the life you want. Prior to designing a rehabilitation plan, we will assess your symptoms, medical history, and any health constraints you may have. Physical therapists at APEX Physical Therapy consider your specific needs and goals when developing your treatment plan. We are confident that with our assistance, everyone who visits our physical therapy center will be able to achieve their recovery goals!

You can always count on the APEX Physical Therapy team to guide you to optimal health and function. It is our aim to provide you with a pleasant, welcoming environment where you can quickly recover.

Business Hours

Monday | 9:00AM - 6:00PM
Tuesday | 9:30AM - 3:30PM
Wednesday | 9:00AM - 6:00PM
Thursday | 9:30AM - 3:30PM
Friday | 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Saturday & Sunday | Closed

Social Media

Feel Better Right Away With Top-Notch Physical Therapy At Our Farmington Hills, MI Clinic!


Back Pain

Have you ever experienced a bad night's sleep due to back pain or strained your back while moving something heavy? Or maybe you hurt your back playing a sport. Are you searching for a way to get rid of back pain?


Shoulder Pain

Most people don't realize how much they use their shoulders throughout the day until they start hurting or are injured. From basic activities like getting dressed or preparing a meal to more vigorous activities like lifting and playing sports, the health of our shoulders is vital to our ability to function normally.


Sports injuries

Have you ever injured yourself during physical activity or playing a sport? Injuries are part of the game, whether you are a professional athlete or a weekend warrior. If a sports injury has taken you out of the game or kept you on the sideline, it's time to see a physical therapist so you can get back to doing what you love!


Chronic pain

Chronic pain lasts longer than three months (12 weeks) despite medication or other treatments. In most cases, people return to normal after injury or operation, and their pain dissipates accordingly. But for some people, the pain carries on for longer, often without a predictable reason.


Pre-surgical physical therapy

Are you looking for ways to prepare yourself for an upcoming surgery? Do you want to do whatever you can to maximize your outcome from surgery? Our team of physical therapists at APEX Physical Therapy will help you mentally and physically ready for your upcoming surgery to ensure you set yourself up for a successful procedure and a quick recovery.


Post Surgical Rehabilitation

As part of their recovery from surgery, many people engage in post-surgical (aka post-operative) rehabilitation exercises. Our physical therapists are up to date on the most advanced post-operative treatment programs that ensure you heal properly and recover quickly!

Physical Therapists - Farmington Hills, MI

Farmington Hills, MI Physical Therapists

Meet The Team

APEX Physical Therapy has some of the best physical therapists in the field! Any pain, injury, or condition you are experiencing can be effectively treated at our Farmington Hills, MI physical therapy clinic by working with our knowledgeable staff. Throughout your rehabilitation, we will provide compassion and encouragement to help you reach your recovery goals as quickly as possible.

Every therapist here possesses a wealth of knowledge and expertise. Your condition will be explained in detail to you and any confusion regarding the steps required for a successful outcome will be clarified. Rather than treating the symptoms of your condition, we aim to identify the underlying cause(s). Understanding exactly what is going on and how to resolve it is crucial for your recovery. At every step, our team will provide clear instructions and explanations to address your questions and concerns. Furthermore, we will show you how to avoid future injuries while motivating you to reach your goals!

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Hayley Sharp

Brighton Clinic Director

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Kelsey Lavalley

AT-C Athletic Trainer

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Lauren Lobert Frison

DPT, OMPT, CSCS, CKTP, Graston Certified
Owner and Founder

How Physical Therapy Works in Farmington Hills, MI

Physical therapy at our clinic is an excellent choice for those in Farmington Hills, MI looking to improve their physical health and well-being. It is a non-invasive, safe, and cost-effective way to treat a variety of conditions, such as back pain, joint pain, muscle strain, and other injuries. It can help improve posture, balance, and overall physical fitness.

Physical therapy also offers a variety of therapeutic services, such as massage, stretching, and strengthening exercises, which can help reduce pain, improve joint mobility, and promote better overall health.

Furthermore, physical therapy can provide personalized care tailored to your specific needs and goals, allowing you to make the most of your rehabilitation process. With the help of our knowledgeable physical therapists, you can maximize your physical potential and achieve a healthy, active lifestyle.

Our ultimate goal is to help you move better, feel better, and function at your best, making your life easier and more enjoyable. You’ll be able to resume and carry on with your favorite activities and daily routines in no time.

What Would Your Day Feel Like If You Weren't In Pain?

If you weren’t in pain, you would be able to do the things you want to do, like play with your grandchildren, or take that walk around the park with your dog, or perhaps participate in that athletic event with your co-workers. Stop letting pain control your life. Request an appointment and start your road to recovery!

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